Getting Your Inner Space Sorted

The Great Indoors Podcast.jpeg

Many of you won't probably know this but I actually trained as an Architect and Designer (majoring in Interior Architecture) graduating with a Double First from the Hull School of Architecture, way back in 1996!

I still have a love of design, particularly interior design and certainly all things 'retro' . The house we currently live in was built in 1973 and had remained untouched since then. The estate agents when showing us round were somewhat embarrassed to show us the ‘unmodernised’ interior and were visibly shaken by our glee at finding a property so original! I'm extremely proud of my avocado bathroom suite! (although it is off set by some very contemporary and funky London Underground 'metro' tiles white with black grout ;)) So old and new can be melded together and I’ve been thinking very much recently about ‘old’ and ‘new’ After this period of ‘lockdown’ is over, will we go back to the old? if not, what will the new look like? As my business has pretty much evaporated at the moment and I wait to see if it will recover, I’ve been returning my thoughts back to my design background. One positive is that I have had a bit of time for my love of decorating and interior design and I’ve discovered the world of Podcasts. I’m so used to listening to music in any spare second I have frantically trying to fit some choreography to it for some class or other that I had forgotten what it was like to listen to anything different.

So, whilst I’ve been decorating and gardening (something I an not so keen on ! I’m glad I didn’t train as a Landscape Architect! ) I’ve been losing myself in some great podcasts. One in particular is The Great Indoors with Sophie Robinson and Kate Watson -Smyth. I have found it inspirational to re-ignite my passion for interior design, but also as a great focus for my thoughts at the present time. The latest pod cast is centred around the current situation and how we can share hints and tips on keeping our inner space sorted, which in turn will keep our inner head sorted!! It’s well worth a listen, if , like me you suddenly find yourself with time on your hands…. you could make those hands busy with a project!