Thoughts and Dog Walks - Sunday 4th April 2021

So, our business meeting this morning was a bit drizzly and cool, but still this morning. It was a little quicker than normal too as we were going to see my parents for a little while, in the socially distanced outdoor setting that we are now allowed to do. We had enough blankets packed to sink a battleship. Covid was one thing but you can still get a nasty chill or worse from sitting outside in winter temperatures! 

Diggers had his coat on. He had been to the groomers last week to have his lockdown hair removed but, with a change in the weather, he has been constantly shivering ever since! So the winter coat is back and this seems to be doing the trick. At least when the warmer weather does come back he will be able to discard that coat much more easily. 

As we hastened along this morning Diggers had his nose to the ground like Inspector Clouseau looking for clues. ‘So, It’s Easter Sunday then?’ he said, stopping to sniff a large clump of daffodils that somebody must have thrown into the hedgerow at some point and they had taken seed. 

‘Yes’, I said ‘It’s a time when people get together and share chocolate (those that can eat it! ) and think about the high point of the whole Easter story. 

‘Oh yes’, Diggers had moved on to a molehill ‘Why does everyone give eggs to each other? Why not gravy bones? 

‘The eggs are symbolic’ I said, Eggs have been used in festivals since time began to symbolise new life and the spring. In the case of the Christian Easter celebration, eggs are given as a symbol of the new life from the resurrection’. 

Diggers was looking up at a squirrel that had just darted in front of him and was half way up a tree, he growled, but the squirrel looked down as if to say ‘face,,, bothered?’ before climbing higher and going on its way. ‘So, what you are saying is, to be able to celebrate Easter you have to be a Christian, go to church (or Zoom church) and like chocolate?’ 

‘Well, it’s like this Diggers,’ I said looking up and watching that sprightly squirrel with him, ‘Easter is a Christian festival and Easter day celebrates the resurrection of Jesus and the new beginnings. However, we can all celebrate the festival whatever beliefs we hold. Whether it be the beginning of Spring and all the hope and new life that it brings, or it might be the time we can spend with family and appreciate what that means to us. Or maybe it’s just because it's the chance to eat chocolate together! It doesn’t have to be exclusive, it can be totally inclusive to all. We are so rich in diversity these days that we should be able to enjoy and respect each other's customs and festivals without claiming superiority or exclusion. We can simply take the elements that resonate with us and celebrate those, therefore keeping festivals and traditions going in a harmonious and positive way for all and keeping them alive for longer. 

I reminded Diggers of a quote that sums up the whole spirit of Easter to me, whatever your beliefs or background. It was said by one of the most iconic actors of all time, 

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow”.  - Audrey Hepburn

I looked back down, the squirrel was long gone and so was Diggers! The sun had come out and he was haring across the field. The meeting was over
